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Home to behind-the-scenes glimpses of my life, life lessons, and of course, all the inspiration and encouragement!
When I’m not dancing my heart out, quoting Princess Diaries, or speaking & hosting with some of the most incredible humans (pinch me!), I can be found hyping up everyone around me!
Community is everything. Through hosting, speaking engagements, and my internet besties, I’m all about empowering you to love and embrace who you truly are and to use your voice for positive change within the world and yourself.
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CHECK out my latest
Blog Posts
Come With Me for an NYC Aerie Trip Recap!
The One Where I Host a Podcast. Whaaat?!
Your Voice Matters: I Wrote a Children’s Book and I’m Freaking Out!!!
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If you’re into dance parties,
REAL talk, and embracing your
feel-the-feelings-right-down-to-your-toes self, welcome!
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